Monday, September 20, 2010

First Day of Pre-School (*tears* from mommy!)

I absolutely cannot believe how quickly this day snuck up on us! Ryan is attending St. Peter's Lutheran Church Nursery School of Lafayette Hill (I was a member of and Mike and I were married in St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Lancaster). Among the other reasons we chose this school is that St. Peter's in Lafayette Hill is literally across the street from us and Ryan's class is on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:30-12 so Ryan and I can make our monthly trip home to Lancaster Tuesday afternoon through Friday without having to miss class. There are 4 boys (Ryan, Dylan, Luke, Grant), 5 girls (Ella, Ava, ???) and 3 teachers (Mrs. Eadline, Mrs. Laverna, Mrs. Eplett) and we like the teacher/child ratio very much.

Ryan got excited as soon as we pulled into the parking lot when he saw all of the other kids with their backpacks on walking toward the pre-school building. I was expecting him to make me carry him but as soon as we got out of the car he grabbed my hand and led me into school. It was a moment I will never forget. As soon we got to his classroom, Ryan did was Ryan does best - he started pushing some trucks around. While some of the parents stayed the entire 2.5 hours, I decided it was best to leave after a few minutes so he does not expect me to be there with him in the future. I waited in the auditorium for about 20 minutes just in case but did not hear from his teachers so Ryan was officially left in the care of a non-family member for one of the first times in his life.

I returned to pick him up at noon and he looked very comfortable as I entered class. It was very hectic with parents and kids everywhere so I didn't get to have an in depth conversation with his teachers but the brief report was that he is a "climber". (Mike's Aunt Wendy totally called that one when Ryan was like 6 months old!) If that is the only thing that was said about him today, I'll take it! It took him about 1.5 hours to actually fall sleep for his nap in his new big boy bed and I think that has everything to do with the excitement of the day.

You have come a LONG way, Ryan - The sky is the limit, sweet pea ;) We are SO proud of you!

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