Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ryan's first wedding

This past weekend we drove to Ithaca, NY for the wedding of Mike's cousin Matt and his bride Danielle. We got to our hotel in time for Ryan to take a descent afternoon nap and we must have done it just right because Ryan "partied" the night away until 11PM!!!! He ran circles around the dance floor showing his true energetic colors to Mike's family who have seen him in person only a few times. He enjoyed playing with Mike's younger cousins and even tried to mimic their break dancing on the dance floor. Ryan also made it to the bar with daddy for a some straight OJ :) He was so tired that he climbed up his pack and play when we got back to our room - I've seen kids climb out of them but never into them - only Ryan ;) He got 4 *huge* bug bites on his face 2 days before we left for the wedding and I say huge because Ryan has local allergic reactions to bug bites which makes them twice the size as regular bites - one of them even swelled up to the size of a quarter!!! Mommy tried her best to treat and disguise them though. Ryan was surprisingly up bright and early the next morning but caught up on a little bit of shut eye on the ride home. A great time was had by all!

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