Thursday, August 12, 2010

Please Touch!

Oma Rodman spent the last 3 days with us in Philly which doesn't happen very often so we visited a few new places...

Yesterday we went to a local movie theater that participates in a summer program ( that offers free childrens' movies on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings so Ryan saw his first "big boy" movie at a real movie theater - The Muppets. It was the 1980s version and I was even bored during some scenes, so everything said, he did just fine. I am confident that Ryan will have no problem watching the next Thomas the Tank Engine movie at a movie theater (strapped in his booster seat with some snacks of course!!!)

Today we went to the Please Touch Museum ( which is a must-see the next time you are downtown with your little ones. I have to say that I thought I was going to have to take several deep breaths while Ryan was all over any gadget he could get his little hands on along with hundreds of other kiddos, but I was pleasantly surprised that it really didn't bother me. I know Ryan's "preemieness" is long gone and I think that today proved that my MOMMY-preemieness is almost non-existent now too. Well, we did hit the Purell pump a few times but who doesn't nowadays? And I guess that going in August is a heck of a lot better than January :) Anyway, Ryan got to do a lot of cool things and after almost 3 hours we called it a day - he played so hard that I had to wake him up from his nap at 5!!!

I had to include a photo of him concentrating on his DVD player at Friendly's (because it is impossible to get a still shot of him) and playing in his art area at home with a balloon from dinner tied to his wrist :)

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