Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ryan's first wedding

This past weekend we drove to Ithaca, NY for the wedding of Mike's cousin Matt and his bride Danielle. We got to our hotel in time for Ryan to take a descent afternoon nap and we must have done it just right because Ryan "partied" the night away until 11PM!!!! He ran circles around the dance floor showing his true energetic colors to Mike's family who have seen him in person only a few times. He enjoyed playing with Mike's younger cousins and even tried to mimic their break dancing on the dance floor. Ryan also made it to the bar with daddy for a some straight OJ :) He was so tired that he climbed up his pack and play when we got back to our room - I've seen kids climb out of them but never into them - only Ryan ;) He got 4 *huge* bug bites on his face 2 days before we left for the wedding and I say huge because Ryan has local allergic reactions to bug bites which makes them twice the size as regular bites - one of them even swelled up to the size of a quarter!!! Mommy tried her best to treat and disguise them though. Ryan was surprisingly up bright and early the next morning but caught up on a little bit of shut eye on the ride home. A great time was had by all!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Please Touch!

Oma Rodman spent the last 3 days with us in Philly which doesn't happen very often so we visited a few new places...

Yesterday we went to a local movie theater that participates in a summer program ( that offers free childrens' movies on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings so Ryan saw his first "big boy" movie at a real movie theater - The Muppets. It was the 1980s version and I was even bored during some scenes, so everything said, he did just fine. I am confident that Ryan will have no problem watching the next Thomas the Tank Engine movie at a movie theater (strapped in his booster seat with some snacks of course!!!)

Today we went to the Please Touch Museum ( which is a must-see the next time you are downtown with your little ones. I have to say that I thought I was going to have to take several deep breaths while Ryan was all over any gadget he could get his little hands on along with hundreds of other kiddos, but I was pleasantly surprised that it really didn't bother me. I know Ryan's "preemieness" is long gone and I think that today proved that my MOMMY-preemieness is almost non-existent now too. Well, we did hit the Purell pump a few times but who doesn't nowadays? And I guess that going in August is a heck of a lot better than January :) Anyway, Ryan got to do a lot of cool things and after almost 3 hours we called it a day - he played so hard that I had to wake him up from his nap at 5!!!

I had to include a photo of him concentrating on his DVD player at Friendly's (because it is impossible to get a still shot of him) and playing in his art area at home with a balloon from dinner tied to his wrist :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010