Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ryan completes his first year of pre-school

Congratulations to Ryan for finishing his first year of pre-school! He was in the Monday and Tuesday morning 2 year old program at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Lafayette Hill. His certificate was hand made with the hair and eye colors of each child in his class. They gave Ryan blonde hair and green eyes - it was one of the first times I had thought about his eye color in a while - my baby has green eyes! He will return to St. Peter's in September to start the 3 year old program on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings.

He is turning from a toddler to a little boy overnight and now he has yet another achievement to add to his list - potty trained! I waited until school was over and until I could function a bit more from the morning sickness and he has taken pretty well to it. He is 1.5 weeks into it and we are virtually accident free - he even got out of Grandma and Grandpa's pool several times to use the potty and went 3 times at a restaurant last night.

Ryan's speaking has also really impressed us recently, his sentence structure and vocabulary in particular.

Great job Ryan, you amaze us more and more each day!

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