Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

We spent Christmas Eve with Grandma and Grandpa Schwarz, Christmas Day morning at our house so Ryan could wake up in his own bed and open Santa's gifts, and then traveled to Lancaster to spend the rest of the day with Oma and Opa Rodman and Nanny, and later Aunt Jenny, Uncle Nate, and Cousin Lucas. Daddy was a very good sport through his horrible cold and we got home just in time to welcome 12 inches of snow! We thoroughly enjoyed watching the expressions on Ryan's face as he was opening his gifts - they were priceless. We clearly knew which presents Ryan liked the most as he wanted to open them immediately after unwrapping them instead unwrapping the next gift. Highlights included his monster truck, Hess truck, Smart Cycle, electronic keyboard, skate board, puzzles, stamps, dvds, books, trains, bath toys and clothes. And candy canes and lollipops of course! This Christmas was neat because he basically understood that Santa was going to bring him presents if he was a good boy - he also can sing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer with help from mommy :)

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