Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ryan's first day of school

Ryan started school the week after Audrey was born (I'm glad it wasn't the week she was born!) Daddy was really looking forward to be able to take and pick-up Ryan from school during his paternity leave because he knows that he would never have an opportunity like this again. Ryan is returning to St Peter's again this year and is in a 3 year old class that meets on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings from 9:30 to 12. His teacher are Mrs. McNew, Mrs. Bell, and Mrs. We also signed him up for Thursday Lunch Bunch through 2PM which starts this week - thank gosh they allow peanut products because peanut butter sandwiches are the only "main course" that he eats right now that doesn't require heat. His teachers say he is as good as gold at school but he has had his moments leaving the house, and during drop-off and pick-up. Regardless, we are so proud of how Ryan has handled a lot of changes in the last few weeks!

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