Monday, August 8, 2011

More Ryan pics from Summer 2011

It is still difficult to get a perfect shot of Ryan but when I picture him in my head, this is what I see - it is about as perfect as I am going to get!

We joined the baby pool at the Flourtown Swim Club in April since it was such a great rate (this was one of the few things I committed to this summer not knowing what would happen) and we have been able to make it a few times with my mom and a few times with Mike (my extra sets of hands). We started the summer with floaties on Ryan but he is now comfortable enough to swim in the baby pool up to his chest with anything but often with a boogie board or the circular blue float in the pictures.

Catching some waves with Hunter

Playing in our backyard with Oma

Watering flowers at Opa's house - Ryan has absolutely loved the hose for a long time!

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