Thursday, July 7, 2011

27 weeks & 4 days

I had an ultrasound earlier in the week and we got a great shot of baby girl Schwarz. All measures great with her as it has been and did with Ryan. She weighs 2 lbs 5 oz and is currently in the head down position.

My fetal fibronectin culture last week came back negative so for my 2nd bi-weekly test in a row it is 99% unlikely I will go into labor in the next 2 weeks. Although nothing has declined with my status, my OB agreed to give me a 2 part steroid shot (betamethasone) which is given to women in pre-term labor and helps mature the baby's lungs. My labor was so quick with Ryan (barely got to the hospital) so there was no time for me to get the steroids to help Ryan let alone any other medications. I had my first steroid injection along with my 17P injection Tuesday morning and then returned for my 2nd steroid shot yesterday. I have been *dreaming* of this moment for a long time and am happier and more confident than I have been in a while.

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