Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ryan's 2.5 year photos

After a not-so-hot 2 year photo shoot, Ryan redeemed himself today :) I am very pleased with these photos as they definitely show his personality and even a hint of strawberry blonde. Oh where oh where have the last 2.5 years gone!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

OCNJ Part 2

We are back to Philly after a wonderful week - vacation weeks go by so fast, don't they? Oma and Opa Rodman took Ryan on some rides while Mike and I played mini-golf on Wednesday night. The two of us were also able to get away for seafood at The Inlet in Somers Point on Thursday night. Ryan made a friend named Topher (after his dad Christopher) and they had fun driving their tractors and trucks on the beach and going on some rides together at night. I got an unexpected call from a college roommate named Tammy who lives in North Carolina with her husband and two boys - they arrived in Ocean City late Thursday and we were able to meet each others sons for the first time last night. I am ready to go back to the beach again already!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

OCNJ Part 1

So far so good here in Ocean City, New Jersey! We drove here Saturday in the rain but that was quite alright for us as there was no traffic and we were able to arrive ahead of schedule. Ryan napped while we unpacked and the weather cleared as he was waking up so it was full speed ahead to the boardwalk for Mack and Manco's and rides. Ryan was pooped to say the least and we learned our lesson on Sunday - he had a mini-meltdown on the boardwalk that we are attributing to lack of sleep since we have had to wake him up almost every morning and after every nap. Ryan loves the sand and water and especially enjoys running his truck up and down the beach.

Grandma and Grandpa Schwarz came to visit for the day yesterday (and yes, mommy and daddy got about 10 minutes alone in the water together - woo-hoo!) and Oma and Opa Rodman will be here tomorrow morning through Thursday evening.

We have quickly realized (with a 2 year old that absolutely, positively does not stop) we are probably going to need a vacation from this vacation!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Weekend 2010

I just had to include a picture of Ryan playing the piano at my parents' house last week - he gets plenty of practice every time he is there!

No major plans over the weekend - although Mike and I did get a dinner alone on Sunday night while Ryan spent the night at Grandparents Schwarz while his Great-Grandparents Hoffmaster were visiting. We did some playing in the backyard on Saturday (Ryan is obsessed with the hose) and spent Monday at Mike's parents' with my family as well. Check out the rare right-handed shovel pic :)

The heat is getting ridiculous around here but we are doing our best to stay cool - hopefully it won't be quite this hot next week down the shore as we are heading to good old OCNJ this Saturday for a week!

"Cousinly" Love

Ryan's cousin Lucas, my mom, and sister recently spent a few days visiting us followed by our monthly visit to Lancaster so the boys have spent a lot of time with each other lately. They are more aware of one another than ever - screaming the other's name the moment they wake up, etc.! We took Lucas to the Morris Arboretum to see the train exhibit, the Tree House Cafe in Chestnut Hill to play, and of course Mike's parents' to swim. The boys also enjoyed the sprinkler and pool in my parents' backyard.