Sunday, January 10, 2010


Among the things that preemie moms have in common is the fear of germs since preemies are born with an under-developed immune system. Although Ryan has been long-cleared of anything special we need to do because he was a preemie, I don't think I will ever part with the Purell in my car or the one that I set on the table when we go out to eat, I still typically plan Ryan's DR appointments NOT first thing in the morning when all the sick kids are in and especially NOT Monday mornings, I still avoid taking him to the grocery store from November-February, and my hands are cracked/semi-bleeding from my compulsive washing (just to name a few!).

But, one thing I can take off my list is the BALL CRAWL, and of all times - mid-January, the heart of germ season. I took Ryan to an indoor play gym with some friends from one of my MOMs clubs on Friday morning (after I shoveled) and he was in HEAVEN. This area was a huge two-story room filled with endless tunnels, slides, and bawl crawls. Ryan isn't quite big enough to run around on his own, so he took me on a journey for an hour and a half that had my body aching the next day! We took our shoes off and were climbing, sliding, bouncing, gliding, and rolling in the balls. Yes, he had a great time and a GREAT nap that afternoon.

Oh, and it's Sunday night and still no signs of sickness (knock on wood)!

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