Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy First Birthday, Audrey

You didn't sleep through the night until you were 8 months which ironically coincided with the same time I started you on formula, but if that has been our biggest challenge with you then we are extremely fortunate... You got your 2 top teeth at 8 months and your 2 bottom at 11 months Your hair has been a fixture since the day you were born - you seriously almost get a bath after every meal because you just can't keep your hands out of your hair You don't like to have any barrettes or elastics in your hair You have refused baby food and being fed since before your 9 month Dr appointment so I just put a plastic tablecloth under you when you are in the high chair and hope that your swallow a quarter of what you put in your mouth You love to pick food out of your highchair seat after I take the tray off I have no idea how much you weigh and it feels great! You wave, clap, point and show us you are "so big" Your laugh is like a cackle You like to bury your head in my shoulder when strangers talk to you The talking Tickle me Elmo doll and ball crawls make you cry like I have never seen you cry before You could care less about 90% of your baby toys. You much prefer the tv controls, raiding cabinets for pots and pans, and screwdrivers. You do like to try to get into the bathtub on your own to get bath toys to play with in your room You wear size 4 diapers, size 4.5 shoes, and size 12-18 month clothes You took your first steps at the end of your 10th month and you were walking full-time by your first birthday You babble all of the time and can say "no-no", "momma", "dadda", "ball", "night-night" and we swear you try to imitate "thank-you" You say "down" when you want us to help you get down the one step from the kitchen to the great room. You plop down on your tush and look for us to spin you over and scoot you close enough so you can crawl down the step backwards You have come to expect books after each bottle (which you can totally take by yourself) You recently started to love to roll around on the floor with any piles of blankets or clothing You are pretty much done napping in the morning And the most important thing I want you to remember about your first year is how much you *idolize* your big brother. It's been apparent since so early, you watch and follow every move he makes. We love you!