Friday, February 11, 2011

Big boy bumper cars

We went to Arnold's Family Fun Center in Oaks and Ryan went on his first big boy ride with Daddy and although mommy was more scared than Ryan, we got through it!

Ryan's winter 2011 look

First trip to the Dentist

We survived - Ryan sat in the big boy chair all by himself (watching cartoons on his private tv of course!)


This is a typical morning in the Schwarz household. I just know these pictures will come in handy one day ;)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ryan's 3rd birthday party

We held Ryan's 3rd birthday party at Superior Play Systems in Norristown. Superior Play is the sales warehouse for those big wooden swingsets you see in backyards. We managed to dodge the snow and Ryan and his friends had a great time bouncing, climbing, swinging, and sliding and eating pizza and cake!

Sledding in the back yard with Daddy