Sunday, May 16, 2010

Touch A Truck

I saw this event on which lists a lot of kid-friendly activities in the Philadelphia area and suggested that my Moms Club add it to their calendar. This was the event of all events for Ryan as he got to climb on and sit in all sorts of cars and trucks - police cars, fire trucks, ambulance, dump trucks, front end loaders, race cars, trash trucks, motorcycle, camper, school bus, cherry picker, tow truck, sports car, army hummer, and on and on and on.....

It was $5 per child and all proceeds were given to The Committee to Benefit the Children, dedicated to improving the quality of life for children who face cancer, leukemia and serious blood disorders and their families.

A day at the beach

We are lucky to live only 1 & 1/2 hours from the shore, that is, without traffic. Ryan and I were invited down to Brigantine, NJ which is just north of Atlantic City (where Ryan's grandparents' Schwarz honeymooned), by one of my Mommy friends, Liz and her son, Hunter. Liz's grandmother has a house there and two of our other Mommy friends came along with their sons - Kate and James and Linzie and Jack. The weather turned out to be really nice and we were on the beach for about 2 & 1/2 hours. Ryan didn't seem to mind that the water was *freezing* and loved playing in the sand. He also enjoyed chasing the seagulls and probably ate more sand than his lunch. This makes me feel great about our vacation to Ocean City, NJ in July. I just hope Mike and I have enough energy for a week at the beach with Ryan - he just doesn't stop :) And by the way, it took us 2 & 1/2 hours to get home - Philly traffic!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Morris Arboretum

We recently purchased a membership to the University of Pennsylvania's Morris Arboretum which is only a few miles from us. It contains vast gardens, fountains, paths, and a new addition called Out-on-a-limb where you get a bird's eye view of the forest through the Canopy Walk. We had a great time running Ryan around for a few hours!

Cooking Out with Daddy

First Official Skinned Knee

Ryan doesn't walk around the block, he RUNS around the block. He took a pretty hard fall on the sidewalk when it dipped down into one of our neighbor's driveways but he didn't cry - he got right up and kept smiling and running. (As long as we don't react, he usually doesn't react unless it's really bad) 'Atta boy! I know this is the first skinned knee of many as I was famous for them when I was little....

Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you for my wonderful Mother's Day, Ryan! We had a nice brunch at General Lafayette Inn with your Grandma and Grandpa Schwarz and I enjoyed my massage very much while you took your nap. Your Daddy and you did a nice job hanging my new flowers out front and I absolutely adore the picture you colored for me. Sweet Dreams, Angel :)

PS - It would have been nice if you could have stood still for more than 1 second for a picture, but I am not going to complain!