Saturday, March 27, 2010

Swim Class

Some of the little ones clung to their parents for dear life, others were like baby dolls letting their parents do whatever they wanted to them, but not our Ryan. From the moment he entered the pool area he wanted to jump right in. We got there on the early side since it was our first class, but never again. After about 10 laps of walking him around the the pool, class was finally ready to begin and was I ever in for the 30 minute work out of my life! Ryan was ALL over the place - he never went fully under and almost escaped out of my arms once, but he had a smile on his face the whole time and constantly was on the move. This is the happiest we have seen our happy boy in a long time. Oh, and we went to Benihana for dinner with Mike's parents and great-grandparents who were on their way back to New York from Florida.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


The mohawk was a sign - it was finally time to take Ryan for his first haircut to turn him from my baby into a toddler. I have to give the actual credit to my cousin who snipped a few locks from around his ears for his baby book over Christmas, but this was the first trip we made to a salon. He was very good and is my big boy now :)

Move over Calvin Klein!!!

So I got a really great deal on undies and although we haven't started potty-training, I couldn't resist getting Ryan to model :)