Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday on Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The reality that you were born 3 years ago blows our mind - Just as with your second, we thought this would be a nice way to remember your third birthday:

You weigh about 30 lbs
You wear size 5 diapers
You wear anywhere from 2T to 3T clothing depending on the brand and adjustable waists are a must
You are in a big boy full sized bed which was converted from your crib and while you do tend to party in your room for a while after we put you down, we always find you in bed in the morning and one morning we found you with the light on so we always have to turn your light off at the light, not the switch
You still take good naps *almost* every day
You still love anything with wheels and your latest obsession is monster trucks
You are definitely a picky eater and your current list of favorites include chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, quesadillas, pizza, hot dogs, and peas, with yogurt, pudding, ice cream or applesauce and brownies or tastycakes.
You love to bite right into apples and like peanut butter toast.
Our current bribery items for you are lollipops, pez and fruit snacks.
If you could be on a liquid diet I think you would - thank goodness for V8 Fusion and Mott's Medleys!
Your favorite cartoons are Caillou, Curious George, Cat in the Hat, and Thomas
Your favorite shows are Totally Trucks, YAY Planes, Honk - Toot - Swoosh, and I Spy (thank gosh for On Demand!)
Your favorite DVD series right now is a tie between Hard Hat Harry and Totally Trains
Your favorite reading choices rotate between anything Richard Scarry, anything trucks, and Thomas catalogs - surprise, surprise!
You still love, love, love your blankies
You love doing puzzles and stamping
You love to ride your tricycle around the kitchen with your helmet on
You are doing great in pre-school and always talk about your classmate Dylan and apparently your classmate Ella always talks about you!
You love to sing songs like the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Row Row Row Your Boat, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and your latest is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
You count on your own to 30 during your time-outs
You have known your numbers, alphabet, colors, shapes since you were a little over 2
You were at the DR only one time between your 2 year and 3 year well visits and that was for your flu shot!
You asked to be tickled
Your eyes tend to change color with whatever you are wearing but I would say they are green
You have 2 freckles on your arm

We are enjoying every second watching you grow into our little boy.
Happy Birthday, Ryan!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

Saturday, January 22, 2011

3 Year Photos

He was a bit under the weather and still doesn't like to pose but we'll take them!

Post-Christmas and early January photos

This is what happens when Ryan hijacks your camera! Other photos included Ryan playing with new stamp set, building his new Fisher Price Smart Cycle, building legos with Oma, and wearing his binoculars the wrong way!

Academy of Natural Sciences

During Daddy's week off between Christmas and New Years, we took the train downtown (Ryan loved it and handed his ticket to the conductor!) and went to the Academy of Natural Sciences where Ryan saw some pretty cool dinosaurs and animal exhibits. He also enjoyed digging for fossils and sifting through sand for dinosaur teeth!