Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Guess what? We had our first snow flurries of the season on Thanksgiving morning! We let Ryan out on our deck in his PJs but the snow flakes unfortunately did not show up in the picture. I didn't get shots of Ryan dressed up until after we ate and his sweater reflects that....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween 2010

Wow - Did Ryan ever have a hectic week last week! We were in Lancaster and since trick or treating was on Friday night there (it happens when Halloween falls on a Sunday) we stayed an extra night to trick or treat with cousin Lucas. And then Ryan got to do it all over again on Sunday night for the first time in our new neighborhood! Halloween was indeed a real treat this year as this was the first year that he were pretty aware of what was happening. Ryan's token phrases were "next house" when we were going around the neighborhoods and "more people" every time our door bell rang. He still asks for his bucket for a treat all of the time and it's safe to say that his favorite candy this year was candy corn and lollipops. We also found time to paint a Thomas pumpkin, go to Cherry Crest Adventure Farm, carve a pumpkin with daddy, and trick or treat at Grandma and Grandpa Schwarz's house.