Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Mike and I took Ryan out to breakfast this morning for the first time. Allow me to clarify - I'm not a breakfast person so we don't go out very often and when we do, Ryan always has breakfast at home beforehand. Today he was a big boy and waited to have breakfast with Mommy and Daddy. OK, he did have half a banana before our food was served, but overall he was a very good boy.

Then we took him sledding near our old neighborhood, and had the whole hill to ourselves - I guess because it was 4 days after the storm, but the snow has not gone anywhere. Ryan loved it! I've attached a short sledding video where you can hear him laughing at the beginning and saying "hi" at the end. I've also attached some pics of our yard since we don't get this much snow very often. Daddy worked from home a few days this week because of the weather and Ryan broke into the office a few times! During our indoor marathon last week Ryan also developed a messy fondness for oreos :)